
About Nishandar Foundation

Nishandar Foundation

Nishandar Foundation is a Mumbai based NGO, registered in 2014, under the Bombay Trust Act of 1950.

Welcome to Nishandar Foundation, where compassion meets expertise in healthcare. We take immense pride in our meticulously crafted Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for medical camps in vibrant Mumbai. These camps serve as a catalyst for disease awareness, providing free medicines to the poor and needy, granting immediate relief.

Driven by a heartfelt vision, we strive to elevate the health of underprivileged individuals, fostering a harmonious balance between treatment and prevention, collective action, and individual responsibility. Emphasizing health and healthcare integration, our programs encompass a wide array of medical fields, with a particular focus on EYE, ENT, and diabetes camps, extending our healing touch across Mumbai.

With a collaborative spirit, we bring together esteemed hospitals, dedicated doctors, and community leaders, uniting our efforts to serve those in need. Our health promotion initiatives extend beyond treatment, as we fervently advocate preventive measures through awareness campaigns. Together, we build a healthier, happier tomorrow for every soul we touch, with unwavering dedication and boundless compassion at the core of our endeavours.


We Can't Help Everyone But Everyone can Help Someone

All consultation services and medicines distributed at the camp are free for the beneficiaries.

Nishandar Foundation also conducts follow-ups with those who have participated in its earlier programmes and are receiving treatment. All consultation services and medicines distributed at the camp are free for the beneficiaries. Nishandar Foundation ensure that it provide good care to the patients at Medical Camps and also make sure that at the Medical camp operations are conducted by experienced doctors, medical students, and paramedics to dispense medicines, technicians for testing samples.


Our vision is healthy people in healthy communities. The vision embraces a broad view of health that includes spiritual, emotional, physical, social, and economic well-being with special concern for people who are poor or unreachable to those services.

Our unwavering vision is to breathe life into a multi-speciality hospital in the heart of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, a beacon of hope for all. Our pledge is to extend proper treatment, either free or at a minimal cost, to every soul in need. With boundless compassion and unwavering confidence, we endeavour to prevent the loss of any precious life due to the lack of basic medical care.


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