
Our Case Study

Name: Baby Sara Gulam Shaikh

MRN. No:  12520000154930 – For Critical Care Management

Sara Shaikh gave birth to twins prematurely.

Sadly! one of the babies did not survive, while the other is suffering from a severe lung infection.

The Baby is currently on a ventilator.

The estimated cost of the full treatment for the surviving baby is ₹7lakhs, as stated in the attached letter from the doctors. We appeal to your generosity to please come forward and contribute towards saving this precious life.

Thanks you Very much for you Help

All the donations (Offline / Online )through Nishandar Foundation are eligible to claim Tax exemption/deductible under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.​


Update 19/6/2023
Dear Supporters,

Urgent Appeal: Help Save a Premature Newborn Baby’s Life!

The delicate life of this precious child hangs in the balance, and we humbly request your support in our mission to ensure her survival. The doctors have advised that the infant must be placed in an incubator for a minimum of three months, a crucial step toward her recovery.   

Unfortunately, she lost her battle against cancer. We are not Collecting donations for her anymore.

Baby Sara Gulam Shaikh

Disease: Respiratory System Conjunction

Total Cost: ₹7,00,000/- (Seven Lakhs Only)

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